Location of address prompts

The app can load during or after checkout and the address prompts can be rendered as a modal or be embedded.

Wilson avatar
Written by Wilson
Updated over a week ago

Options during checkout for Shopify Plus stores using checkout.liquid:

Option A: Modal window on Customer Info step

This is the recommended configuration, if possible

The address prompts will be rendered in modal windows on the first step of checkout when the customer clicks on the Continue to shipping method button after inputting the shipping address. It looks like this:

This option has minimal impact on your conversion rate as the average response time is ~0.4 secs and >99% of customers act on the prompts.

Option B: Embedded on Shipping Method step

The address prompts will appear on the second step of checkout above the Shipping method section. It looks like this:

This option will have no impact on your conversion rate because customers have the option to proceed without acting on the prompts.

Checkout UI Extensions

The address prompts are embedded on the first step of checkout above the address form.
The new Checkout Extensions UI only supports embedded prompts at the moment, it looks like this:


Options after checkout:

Address Validator automatically updates the Shopify order when customers make corrections to the shipping address. These are the available options for merchants without Shopify Plus:

Option C: Modal window on Thank You page

This is the default configuration

The address prompts will be rendered in modal windows on the Thank You page post-checkout. It looks like this:

Option D: Embedded on Thank You page

The address prompts will appear on Thank You page post-checkout below the map. It looks like this:

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